Daniele Scerra, Artist and CEO at Event Horizon School.
In 1992 I picked up pencils, brushes, oil paints and acrylics, and went on to explore Fantasy and Science Fiction universes, to initiate an imagery that came to life through traditional painting and in the years to come in digital.
Collaborations with prestigious publishing houses begin in 1996, the first covers on Urania (Mondadori Editore). I experiment with new media and harness 3D, intertwine it with digital painting, art renewed through fantastic worlds, planets outside the galaxy. Over the next few years I cross new paths on the words of Clive Cussler and Anne Rice (Tea, Sperling & Kupfer, Fabbri, Longanesi, Blanvalet, Prime Books, Overlook Press, Orbit Books), helping to enrich tales and stories that have captivated so many readers.

The path is long, illustration merges with graphics, with video. From 2002 to 2006, I refined my style, embraced the creation of special effects for film and video advertising. These are years when in Lumiq Studios in Turin you share your desk with great professionals, you specialize, you create every day at the highest level. One produces, one runs.

Stages, brushstrokes, strokes, colors. Innovation. A fixation on humanoid characters, robots and mattepainting. Tutorials, interviews, workshops, repeated appearances on major publications (Spectrum Fantastic Art, Exposé Ballistic Publishing), exhibitions, and more covers, animations, graphics, videos, the music.

To this day, my visual art and musical experimentation continues, free from all the constraints.